Embedded Vision
Image Streaming and Image Processing on Single Board Computers (SBC)

Embedded Vision
Embedded Vision is Computer Vision on small Single Board Computer (SBC). Some SBC models have reached such computing power that they can be used in Computer Vision to perform image processing on image streams. A main features of SBC is the ability to control external devices and systems by a number of programmable GPIO pins. Moreover, generally known external ports like HDMI, USB and LAN are also present in many models.
We have composed a ready to use Embedded Vision System – Starter Kit, ready to use out of the box - consisting of powerful SBC, camera and necessary software which enables the user to run a camera in the workspace of the image processing software ImageJ. In this workspace the user may manipulate uncompressed image streams or single frames by image processing tools from toolbar or menu even when camera is in continuous or triggered mode. No programming skills are required. Nevertheless automation of complex tasks are possible simply by auto-recording manually elicited operations which were finally saved as macro file for later use. More advanced users with programming skills may add algorithms from OpenCV.
Starter Kit - ready to use out of the box | |
Single Board Computer Odroid XU4: |
Image processing software: | ImageJ, OpenCV for Java (both license-free) |
Camera control software: | Plugin for ImageJ/Java |
Camera: |
USB3 Cameras from Basler or PointGrey/Flir (almost all USB models), incl. 3 m USB3 cable, Camera Selection |
Option: | lens, C Mount |
More Infos
Screen video displaying ImageJ camera Plugin in action (recorded on PC, voice speaking German)
Download: https://www.phase-hl.com/video/IJ_Plugin_de.mp4